x box

x boxx box
  1. W box , X box , Y box and TATA-like box were polymorphic , CCAAT box was conserved . Polymorphic sites also existed between the regulatory elements .


  2. Regulatory elements W box , X box , Y box , CCAAT box and TATA-like box which were associated with the expression of structural gene were found in all the URR sequences .


  3. To effectively control the cost in the networked manufacturing system and extend the application scope of the pattern of Application Service Provider ( ASP ), a new networked manufacturing pattern based on Bill of X ( BOX ) and ASP was put forward .


  4. If the answer is " Yes ", write an " X " in the box next to " Yes " .


  5. Introduced are the main performance parameters , structural characteristics as well as the new technology , new materials applied on the P x type meter gauge box cars .
